Avarta x VAIOT

We are excited to announce our partnership with VAIOT, which we expect to take digital transactions across multiple blockchains to the next level. Our goal at Avarta is to develop a real-world capability for users to exchange crypto assets in a highly secure environment, without stepping beyond the boundaries of rigid legal frameworks.

By partnering with VAIOT, users can use their mobile crypto wallet to purchase a car in full, pay for groceries, or create customized “intelligent contracts” in digital and printable formats, simply by having a conversation with an intelligent AI-powered personal assistant. 

VAIOT CEO, Christoph Surgowt declared:
“VAIOT’s mission and brand promise is to deliver centralized services that serve our customers and protect digital assets. Avarta’s biometrical-secured crypto wallet offers unrivalled levels of protection and provides a level of governance that enables the blockchain to function as future-thinking developers have envisioned all along. Blockchain is the future of finance, and this partnership helps to transform that vision into a reality.”

Matthew Ainscow, CEO of Avarta commented: 
“VAIOT makes accessing services easy for everyone and facilitates fast, inexpensive transactions with a mobile device. What we’re most impressed is with is the ease of creating legally binding contracts using a personal virtual assistant that is as easy as having a conversation.”

About VAIOT 
VAIOT combines Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain to develop a portfolio of business-oriented Intelligent Virtual Assistants serving both consumers and business as a new, digital channel for selling and delivering products and services as well as making transactions. VAIOT is a personal assistant available on mobile devices via a simple natural user interface. Faster, easier, and affordable. Delivering full-stack technology solutions in AI and Blockchain.  

For more information about VAIOT, visit our website,
www.vaiot.ai, or have a look at the Twitter and Telegram Community.

About Avarta 

Avarta provides blockchain users with a decentralized multi-chain wallet equipped with military-grade security you can control from your mobile device. The Avarta crypto wallet boasts keyless biometric technologies that promote a permissionless environment in which users can securely and seamlessly exchange crypto across various blockchain platforms. In addition, their Trust Score system lowers the risk of investing and trading in crypto assets as more adopters recognize the value of a DeFi system that cuts out the middleman such as banks.  

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